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The Very Skin

October 2018

Pollen Studios were delighted that our Pollen Graduate Award Winner 2018, Lykke Sønderkær, made new work for her solo exhibition in the gallery. The opening night included performance as well as installation. Pollen Studio members wish her the best of luck as she prepares for her RDS Exhibition later this month.

Artist statement

(living - interdisciplinary -  part of nature - female - artist - being-  body)

Nature, humbles me with it’s elements and the countless ways it outsmarts and makes us humans, feel inferior. Yet it comforts me, as I am constantly reminded of my connection to it, the fact that I am part of nature.

Photography, performance art and objects, are all part of my practice and often in reference to the present/non-present body. Contrast fill my work, visually as well as conceptually. The open/closed, live/lived, fragile/strong, natural/obscure, inside/outside, warm/cold, light/dark, hidden/revealed, presence/non-presence.

My story, life, surroundings, body, touch and the camera are my materials and I respond to the world around me, gathering materials, creating connections through images and objects. My  experience of being in-between cultures and homes, gives rise to endless questions and my practice is a space for me to reflect inside on the outside. Questions of culture, identity, belonging, home, claimed and assigned space.

The internal and external join together in visual and tactile reflection of my perception. I reflect on,  and work with; time space and touch, the traces and remains of life lived.



instagram: @lykke.soenderkaer


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